Why should young adults be excited

about joining the GMC?

By Bryce Holdman

November 6, 2023

The Global Methodist Church is rapidly forming across the state of South Carolina with new congregations and members being added each week. But maybe today you are reading this, and you are prayerfully discerning a move into this new expression of Methodism. More specifically, maybe you find yourself in the same demographic as me: Young Adults. Why should young adults like us care about this recently formed denomination? What benefits would being a part of this movement truly grant us? I’m glad you asked! Based on my short yet intense experience as part of the Global Methodist Church, I’d like to highlight three key reasons you as a young adult (or a reader of any age) should join us.

Christ-like Community is something that most young adults seem to be searching for. In fact, a recent study done by UCLA cited that a staggering 73% of young adults surveyed felt lonely in their current season of life. With the pace that we as young adults often live our lives, it can be easy to neglect the necessity of community. The writer of Ecclesiastes even says that “two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: if either of them falls down, one can help the other up” (4:9-10). Do you have someone in your corner? Do you feel as if you are on an island, trying your best to live out your faith in Christ, while being surrounded primarily with those who could care less? The GMC is a place to find Christ-like individuals who truly worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly. Currently, I’m in the process of forming a Young Adult Connection here in South Carolina. If you’re looking for people who will serve as your spiritual extended family, let me be the first to say, “Welcome Home”!

Biblical and Relevant preaching seems to be a combination difficult to find in today’s world. Maybe you are a part of a church now that has found this balance and, if so, praise God! However, more and more churches and communicators are shifting away from biblical truth to pursue culturally relevant material. What if I told you that the GMC is interested in upholding biblical truth while preaching in a way that speaks to our current climate and culture? I can certainly speak for the church in which I serve pastorally. Our goal is to connect with our congregation by utilizing stories, illustrations, humor, etc., all of which lend themselves as relevant to our day and age. However, we do this to support our primary goal of helping folks from all walks of life understand and apply the inerrant, infallible, and inspired Word of God.

Secure Identity is the final item about the GMC I’d love to highlight for you. What I mean by this is simple: we desire as a denomination to see the culture around us transformed, rather than be transformed by the culture. Many of our denominations and Christian movements across the world have found themselves swayed with and by society. However, I can say with confidence that the Global Methodist Church knows what it is about. We understand the Mission of God and are willing to do whatever it takes to participate in that mission personally and corporately. This means that we are a movement of people who go beyond our comfort zones in the community. We pray dangerous prayers that would send us on mission locally and globally. We raise up leaders to plant new churches worldwide. And, we know that young adults are the keys for this mission to continue. Prayerfully consider joining us as we grow together and see lost souls come home each day!

Bryce Holdman is the pastor of Evangelism & Outreach at Mt Horeb Church in Lexington, SC.