Welcome to the Women’s Ministries of the GMC of SC!

Our goal is to find ways to connect women in SC Global Methodist local churches with each other, so that we can work together to carry out and to experience the mission of the GMC, to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly.

We would love to hear from you about what is on your “Wish List” for Women’s Ministries in the Global Methodist Church, and what you hope to see the women of your local church, as well as alongside other women in SC, to accomplish.

Things to think about:

- What are you (the women of your church) passionate about?

- In what ways do you love to serve God together?

- What do you feel you need in the form of resources, training, or encouragement?

We plan to use this venue to provide you with:

- A place to share what is happening in the women’s groups of your local church – projects you have done or do on a regular basis, mission opportunities you are excited about, etc.

- A place to announce upcoming events for women (retreats, conferences, etc.) in SC and surrounding states.

- A place to share recommendations for Bible studies, reading materials, and mission/service opportunities as they become available (see links provided).

If you have something that you would like to have posted here on the webpage, please email the information HERE.

If you have any questions or need assistance with anything, please contact Denise Wiley HERE or at the email address HERE.

The focus of the Global Methodist Church will be to empower the local church to implement the GMC mission and vision* and be accountable to its Doctrine. This will be a guiding principle for Women’s Ministry in the Global Church which will organize and operate as an Umbrella Organization rather than a large bureaucratic institution. Recognizing that it is on the grass root level where we see evangelism, mission and ministry carried out most effectively, the GMC is intentionally putting its focus on the local church. The local church will have the freedom to be led by God’s Spirit in all its kingdom work - including women’s ministry.

Click here to view Recommendations for Women’s Ministries In the Global Methodist Church from the Women’s Task Force of the TLC

Bible Studies

Looking for a women’s Bible study? You can find several here: Global Methodist Women’s Suggested Bible Studies