What should we expect in the GMC in the next year?

By Erik Grayson

January 16, 2024

What do I anticipate happening in the GMC of SC in the next several months? The answer is...“a whole lot!” From witnessing revitalizing churches and new church starts to continuing to develop our state-level ministries and sending delegates to our first General Conference, this next year is shaping up to be a banner year for the GMC of SC. Here’s what you can expect in the months ahead.

First, I anticipate significant numerical and spiritual growth. Last fall I visited churches for charge conference and noticed a contagious enthusiasm. Congregations are planning new ministries, welcoming new members, and experiencing a hunger for God’s word. The pastor of one of our smallest country churches recently told me his members are rejuvenated and eager to upgrade the church, even pursuing wifi for the first time. Many of our medium-sized churches are seeing new faces and visitors at a record pace. And, our large churches are strategically planning their next steps for ambitious growth.

But growth isn’t just happening in our existing congregations. Over the last two weeks, we had six congregations apply to align with the GMC of SC. These include five churches that separated in 2023 and a new church start in Powdersville. After July 1, we will see an influx of newly separated churches seeking to align with the GMC of SC. Anticipate rapid growth in 2024!

Second, conversations around starting new churches (church planting) are taking center stage. We recently launched the Church Multiplication and Revitalization committee chaired by Rev. David Werhle. David’s committee is developing strategies, visions, and goals for church planting in SC. I’m pleased that the GMC of SC has devoted 25% of our statewide budget to this work, but we’re going to need your help if this is to be successful.

One of the hallmarks of early Methodism was that the church was a church planting movement. Local churches were engaged in starting other churches. Congregations and members actively multiplied and that’s how they spread the gospel across the nation. We believe that the good news of Jesus Christ is too important not to share, and SC is growing at a rapid pace, so we believe that now is the time to reclaim our church planting identity.

I’m asking for every Global Methodist to prayerfully consider how you can participate in the church planting movement. The church I serve has tasked our Outreach Committee to begin exploring ways to partner with new church starts in Upstate SC. A couple of churches donated portions of their Christmas Eve offering to support new church starts. A Greenville area GMC explored being a “sister church” to a church plant to help them get on their feet. One church council provided seed money to start the church planting movement in SC. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a large or small church, every Methodist can spread the faith, pray, and support the movement of the gospel in South Carolina. I predict that supporting the church planting movement will become a priority for many of our congregations in 2024.

Third, the next several months will be a time of increased organization. Our Lead Team just organized the Ministry Leadership Team, chaired by Rev. Scott Allen. This team is comprised of the Children’s Collective, Youth Collective, Young Adult Collective, and Missions Collective. The goal of these collectives is to provide networking opportunities for your ministry leaders, offer Wesleyan best practices, and create ministries that your local church cannot offer on its own (like youth conferences and mission opportunities). Expect to see increased organization in these ministry areas.

Increased organization also includes our participation in the larger Global Methodist Church. On May 19, we will elect delegates to the very first General Conference. On September 7-9, we will hold an expanded, multi-day Behold conference in Lexington, SC with powerful worship, dynamic speakers, and practical breakout sessions. In September, our SC delegates will travel to San Jose, Costa Rica to participate in the Convening General Conference of the Global Methodist Church. Expect to see our new denomination take significant strides forward as we organize for the sake of the gospel.

I’ve been asked several times what’s next in the Global Methodist Church. I fully anticipate increased growth, a reclaiming of our Wesleyan heritage, and greater organization. These are all exciting and positive developments. Yet, what I’ve seen beneath these developmental milestones are the hearts of a people being renewed. I look forward to continuing to see the heart of Methodism recovered among us as we seek to make disciples who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly.

Thank you for being part of the movement.

Grace and Peace,


The next several months will be a significant time in the Global Methodist Church. Our churches are experiencing renewal as they recommit themselves to our historic Biblical principles. We’re anticipating a sizable influx of new churches, and we’re reclaiming our Wesleyan roots as a church planting movement. We are getting organized for the sake of the mission.

Erik Grayson is a Presiding Elder of the GMC of SC and the pastor of Lyman Methodist Church in Lyman, SC.